Stream Restoration, Hydraulic Modeling

Moreland Hills, Ohio

Partners helped with the restoration of a portion of an unnamed tributary to the Chagrin River. The stream crosses several private properties, a major road and a portion of the Cleveland Metroparks’ South Chagrin Reservation.
The project was initiated after a complaint from an adjoining property owner alleging that prior stream alterations on one of the parcels had caused increased flooding frequency and severity on their property. A concept restoration plan that included a diversion channel and several streambank erosion prevention measures was submitted and reviewed by Moreland Hills and its Village Engineering consultant.
Partners’ first task was to prepare a topographic survey of the parcel through which the stream passes before going under the road. When a draft version of the restoration plan was completed, Partners prepared a hydraulic analysis of the stream, taking into account the entire watershed of this tributary. The analysis showed the flooding was primarily caused by a flow restriction off-site of the property and confirmed the location and frequency of flooding on the adjoining property.
The restoration and improvements plan were adjusted, based on the findings from the hydraulic analysis. Partners then revised the hydraulic analysis to confirm that the plan will reduce the flooding impacts. Partners’ work informed the stakeholders as to the source of the problem and supported efforts to improve the off-site culvert that was restricting the flow.



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