Residential Redevelopment: Scattered Site

Colfax Homes

Partners worked with Burten, Bell, Carr Development, Inc., and the City of Cleveland’s Department of Community Development to assist with the redevelopment of 36 scattered noncontiguous sites (Lots) located at Colfax Road between East 69th Street and East 79th Street in the City of Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, Ohio. Several of the Lots were used for light industrial purposes, for truck repair operations and as junk yards. Partners conducted Phase II and Remedial investigation activities that determined shallow soils impacted with petroleum constituents and metals were present at the Property. Partners developed a Remedial Action Plan designed to facilitate certain requirements for U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development assisted projects. Partners implemented the Remedial Action Plan by excavating and disposing approximately 500 tons of impacted soil leaving the Property shovel ready for development. A single-family housing development is currently under construction. Partners also assisted development activities by providing surveying and engineering services.

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