
Our design involvement on municipal projects varies greatly, dependent upon the type of design services being performed; however, most of the projects include acquisition of boundary & topographic surveying as well as the specific project design criteria.


Orchardview Waterline Extension & Booster Station – Canton Water Department

This project included approximately 3 miles of 8” and 12” waterline and the design of a 1.4 MGD packaged water booster pump station. This project involved 3 railroad crossings, 2 ODOT permits and Ohio EPA permitting. Final bid documents were delivered to the owner within 2.5 months from date of authorization to proceed. ODOT and OEPA permits were received on the first submittal application.


Willig Park Softball Complex – City of Canton Park Commission

We were retained to develop plans and specifications for a new softball complex that included 4 fields, concession building, parking facilities, as well as field lighting and PA system. We also performed construction management operations on this project. Relocation of existing utilities was a significant design concern on this project.


Kidwell Lake Restoration, Silver Park – N.L. Construction Co.

This project was done in an effort to increase the functionality of Kidwell Lake. The lake suffered from loss of water depth as a result of sediment deposition. The pond was also plagued with a severely eroded shoreline. Cooper & Associates, a Partners company (Cooper), designed solutions which implemented pond dredging, spillway modifications, and installation of segmental retaining walls to inhibit shoreline erosion & increase the aesthetic value of this lake in Alliance, Ohio.


38th Street NE Improvements – City of Canton

We provided surveying, design and specifications for this roadway improvement project. This design included full roadway reconstruction, drainage improvements, maintenance of local traffic, utility coordination, intersection improvements and right of way plans. Deep storm sewers coupled with a narrow urban, residential corridor provided challenging design elements for this project.


Robertsville Roadway Improvements – Stark County Engineers / Paris Township

Working with Paris Township, we successfully procured funding for the Robertsville Roadway Improvement project. Along with the roadway alignment and vertical grade modifications, the plans included storm sewer improvements to eliminate flooding within several areas of the Village of Robertsville. The project included 4,200± feet of new storm sewer ranging in size from 12” to 42” in diameter.


Shorb Avenue Streetscape Project – City of Canton

Cooper was selected by the City of Canton to provide engineering and surveying services for this roadway improvement & streetscape project. This project was performed in conjunction with the Timken High School Campus Project. We prepared plans for the roadway reconstruction, streetscape, storm drainage, and sanitary sewer. Four new signalized intersections were included as part of the project.

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