Voluntary Action Program

Shoreway Commerce Park
Cleveland, Ohio

The former White Motors manufacturing facility underwent major redevelopment for multi-tenant manufacturing and logistical use after the successful completion by Partners of site assessment, UST closure and remedial activities conducted in accordance with Ohio Voluntary Action Program (VAP) regulations.  The site originally included over 600,000 square feet of industrial buildings that were recently demolished after the removal of asbestos containing materials (ACM) and Universal Wastes that remained when White Motors ceased operations.  Partners completed the asbestos assessment, abatement specifications and provided oversight for the $1.3 MM ACM abatement project. Partners developed a Remedial Action Plan (RAP) to address soil and groundwater contamination at the site.  Remedial activities included delineation of PCB contamination, remediation of contaminated soil and concrete on the Property, underground storage tank (UST) closures, BUSTR Tier Evaluations and remedies, a risk assessment, groundwater modeling, an Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Plan, Risk Mitigation Plan, a site specific Urban Setting Designation (USD) for a portion of site not already included in a USD, demolition oversight and all other documents associated with preparing a No Further Action (NFA) Letter under Ohio’s VAP for a Covenant Not to Sue (CNS).  The redevelopment plans included a new heavy duty road connecting East 72nd and East 79th Streets, a new rail spur entering the Property, the demolition of about 200,000+ square feet of dilapidated buildings, and renovation of remaining buildings.  Remediation of the Property has been completed and two (2) NFA Letters were finalized in the second quarter of 2011.

Redevelopment of the site was facilitated with approximately $10 million in public funding from the Ohio Department of Development (ODOD), the City of Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, and others.

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