Chemical Distribution and Repackaging Operation
Following an EPA inspection and enforcement action, an east coast-based chemical distributor retained Partners to assess its overall compliance status and develop a system to manage environmental documentation and track key EHS tasks. Using its AIM (Assess – Implement – Manage) approach, Partners’ personnel conducted site-wide audits of client operations and developed compliance roadmaps to address gaps in environmental and safety programs. During this process, a regulatory compliance calendar and activity tracking system was developed and populated. This was followed by updates to plans, programs and training activities to bring the facilities into compliance in areas where gaps were identified. This data was inputted into an on-line document library which allowed the retention of permits, plans, reports, inspection records, and agency correspondence.
Partners provides ongoing EHS management services including state and Federal environmental reporting (e.g., EPCRA, RCRA, TSCA), periodic follow-up assessments, ventilation checks and industrial hygiene monitoring. Periodic teleconferences are held with plant personnel to ensure timely completion of assigned tasks and collection and archiving of EHS documentation. Recent projects have included decommissioning activities at a site in Maine, and removal of underground storage tanks (USTs) in Massachusetts.