Clean Ohio Revitalization Fund

Former Chardon Rubber Company
Chardon, Ohio

Partners authored a successful Round 9 Clean Ohio Revitalization Fund (CORF) grant for the City of Chardon to conduct demolition and remedial activities at the former Chardon Rubber Company property.  The Chardon Rubber Company is located on an 11.5 acre site in Chardon, Ohio and was used since the early 1930s as a rubber manufacturing facility.  The facility ceased operations in late 2009.  Because of the opportunity created by the potential for funding from Clean Ohio to address the environmental concerns, the Client proceeded with assessment and acquisition of the closed plant.  The facility has been reopened under new ownership, and is using the CORF grant to revitalize the facility and create new jobs.

The planned revitalization of the Property includes removal of polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB)-impacted concrete, abatement of asbestos-containing materials (ACM), demolition of obsolete and inefficient building space, creation of green space (proposed bike path), and possible remediation of chlorinated solvents in groundwater.  Partners is managing all environmental consulting and Certified Professional (CP) activities, including remediation system design, preparation of specifications and contractor bidding, asbestos abatement, Remedial Action Plan (RAP) preparation, No Further Action (NFA) letter preparation, groundwater modeling and monitoring, and removal and disposal of hazardous wastes.  Partners also prepared the Voluntary Action Program (VAP) Phase I and II Property Assessments.  This is the first project in Geauga County to be awarded a CORF grant.

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