Steel Product Company
Partners worked closely with a steel products company to develop a program to manage environmental compliance at their manufacturing facilities. The program is based on the results of comprehensive environmental compliance audits conducted at the facilities, which determined applicability of specific environmental regulations to each facility.
Partners is implementing an Environmental Management System to ensure the client is aware of all of the environmental regulations affecting their facilities, the status of the programs implemented at their facilities, and upcoming activities to ensure compliance into the future. The Environmental Management System, which is being developed as regulatory compliance issues are addressed, includes the following components:
- A summary of all environmental regulatory requirements
- A calendar of required dates for reporting, training, sampling, inspections, and other activities
- A summary of distribution requirements for reports, programs, and records
- A filing system that is cross-referenced to the summary of regulatory requirements
- Record retention requirements for all environmental records and documents
- A simple method of tracking completion of each requirement
Implementing this system allows the client to “wrap their arms around” the multitude of federal, state and local environmental requirements determined by Partners to be applicable to their facilities, and to obtain a “snapshot” of compliance at any point in time. Partners is also handling all environmental compliance activities, including developing programs, evaluating emissions, and completing and submitting agency reports.