
Most of our commercial development design activities are performed in conjunction with an architect who is responsible for the building geometrics and design. Our services include preparation of the site improvement details, consisting of boundary & topographic survey acquisition, layout plan in accordance with client and zoning regulations, grading (with balanced earthwork), storm collection design, storm water management & water quality, building utility services, erosion control, layout geometrics, and construction staking.

Aldi – Aldi Inc. Ohio

We have been providing continuous service to the Aldi – Hinckley Division for nearly 20 years and have designed more than 50 sites throughout northern Ohio and also provided site design services for improvements and expansions to the their Hinckley Distribution Center.

Wendy’s – Wendy’s International

Since 1995, we have performed over 50 site design projects for Wendy’s International, as well as their e-franchise groups such as Canton S-Group and Akwen, Ltd.

Aultman West – Aultman Health Foundation

Cooper & Associates, a Partners company (Cooper), was selected as the surveyor & design engineer for this project which included working with ODOT for full access turning movement onto Wales Avenue (SR 241); we achieved the full access by designing a center turn lane and a right turn/deceleration lane on Wales Avenue.

Home Depot / BJ’s Wholesale Club Plaza – Fitzpatrick Enterprises

This large commercial complex included the hub stores of Home Depot and BJ’s Wholesale Club plus frontage outlots. On the said outlots, we also provided design site plans for Wendy’s, Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, Goodyear, and Drug Mart.

GE Capital Corporate Center – Fitzpatrick Enterprises

This 17.5 acre commercial site had several special design concerns that were resolved with the design plans. An existing sanitary trunk sewer and water main had to be relocated; existing compressible organic soils were removed or confined into open space areas; wetland areas were mitigated; an accessory access drive was designed to permit access to a proposed signalized intersection; and a regional storm water management basin was incorporated into the design.

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