Commercial Redevelopment Property
West Mifflin, Pennsylvania
The approximately 5-acre Commercial Redevelopment Property is located southeast of Pittsburgh. Historically, the Property was developed with an automobile service station / gas station from the late 1930s to the early 2000s. Remedial investigation activities completed under the direction of Partners’ PG determined that petroleum impacted soil and groundwater is present at the Property. Based on the findings of initial investigation activities, a Work Plan was developed for proceeding through the Pennsylvania Land Recycling and Environmental Remediation Standards Act (Act 2). Further soil and groundwater investigation was conducted to delineate contaminant levels above PA Department of Environmental Protection Statewide Health Standards. It was determined that the complete exposure pathways at the Property would be addressed with a combination of active remediation and institutional controls. The institutional controls would be implemented in accordance with the Uniform Environmental Covenants Act . Partners developed and implemented a cost effective remedial strategy to address the petroleum soil and groundwater issues at the Property. The remedial action design was based on evaluation of the vadose and saturated zones, slug testing, results of analytical testing, and the experience Partners and their remedial team. The in-situ subsurface injection remedial action (chemical oxidation to aerobic biodegradation) provided an effective sequential treatment design. Groundwater attainment monitoring is being performed, and confirmatory soil sampling will be conducted to demonstrate that appropriate Act 2 criteria are achieved. Once Act 2 criteria are achieved, a complete report will be submitted to the PA DEP.